Meditation to Cure Infirmities

It 's a well known fact that Buddhists in all times have sought sanctuary in traditional sacraments when plagued with dilemmas and sicknesses. Yet, meditation has always been the vital practice in their lives because it healed them bodily as well as psychologically donating all the spirituality which people needed to make life satisfactory.

There are many illnesses that cannot be cured by medicine alone and they occur for various reasons. Profes­sionally ill health has been categorized into two parts­physical and mental; but for the Buddhists the main solution to both these medical conditions is solved by meditation.

Cheerful responses, serene composure, an unsullied peace of mind, along with reduction in stress and control over corporal functions are simply the minor compensations received while indulging in meditation.

Approximately 2600 years ago, the Buddha while conducting a discourse to his monks proclaimed: "Amongst all medications, the therapy 'of the Dhamma (the Buddhist doctrine) is the best; because there's nothing else to surpass it!" This is due to the reason that unlike medicine, accurate advice and excellent teaching contain an authority to reshape a person's life dramatically. When lives are reformed, misfor­tunes can be avoided further ... and this in tum reduces the risks to many dangers that are present in this world. (The proverb: "Prevention is better than cure" applies well here)

Such priceless statements made by the Buddha still remain hitherto and his greatest teaching---meditation reigns ultimate. Currently even research has backed up that many physical tribulations such as heart disease, high blood pressure and gastric ulcers are alleviated by indulging in meditation.

Of course the chief aspiration (expectation) in Buddhism is Nibbana, (absence of suffering) when one gradually let go of desires (thanha) and rids oneself of defilements, temptations and death (Mara). Other than achieving Nibbana, the next best thing is maintaining welbeing because it's an indispen­sable factor in ensuring success in meditation besides certifying meticulous exertions in the lessons of Buddhism.

Hence, those who want to lead a healthy decisive life will gain immense liberation from all problems through medita­tion because negative aspects of our mind such as laziness, restlessness and tension are eased away.

Before the process of meditation begins, there are several things one should bear in mind. To attain positive results, the five precepts (abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, untruthfulness and consumption of alcoholic drinks) should be reserved diligently. Pessimistic intentions should be controlled, because committing evil obstructs the outcomes brought about by meditation. (Yet, if you seck help to triumph over such atrocities then of course it will give you assistance ). 

Try cultivating goodness step by step progressively, because change is seldom achieved overnight. Prior to accomplishing anything, question yourself whether it's correct or erroneous. Sometimes it's hard choosing the right path, but it has never been impossib!e .... so. "If there's a will there's a way!".
Moving on to the meditation; the forthcoming recitations are represented in an effortless rhythmic technique which is easy to follow by continuous narration. The supremacy of these words is fathomless even though they appear quite plain, thus application to it daily will affect your health amazingly. 


Chants Attributing to Meditation

Note: The Buddha, (Buddha) the Dhamma (the Buddhist doctrine) and the Sangha (Order of ordained Buddhist disciplines) is known as the "Triple Gem". The recitals in due course are proposed to maintain all the components of the
body in peak condition.

Meditation for Curing Illnesses

(Each passage should be repeated three times).

May the blessings of the Buddha keep me in good health;

May the blessings of the Buddha keep my head in good health; May the bless­ings of the Dhamma keep my head in good health; May the blessings of the Sangha keep my head in good health; Mayall the meritorious deeds that I have committed in my life time keep my head in good health, while main­taining the functions of its organs well.

May the blessings of the Buddha keep my brain well and healthy; May the blessings of the Dhamma keep my brain well and healthy; May the blessings of the Sangha keep my brain well and healthy; Mayall the meritorious deeds that I have committed in my life time keep my brain well and healthy, whereas enhancing my memory.

May the blessings of the Buddha make my nervous system healthy; May the blessings of the Dhamma make my nervous system healthy; May the blessings of the Sangha make my nervous system healthy; Mayall the meritorious deeds that I have committed make the nerves generating in my body healthy, while enabling them to
function faultlessly.

May the blessings of the Buddha make my eyes healthy; May the blessings of the Dhamma make my eyes healthy; May the blessings of the Sangha make my eyes healthy; Mayall the merits I have acquired by lighting lamps* for the sacred Triple Gem make my eyes healthy. 

May the blessings of the Buddha make my ears healthy; May the blessings of the Dhamma make my ears healthy; May the blessings of the Sangha make my ears healthy; Mayall the merits I have acquired by listening to the Dhamma sermons make my ears healthy.


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